Rebuilding America and Reducing Its Carbon Footprint: The SQRL Station Story With Blake Smith

Brand Voice

Meet Blake Smith, the CEO of SQRL Holdings, a man with an impressive and motivating story. Blake’s journey as an entrepreneur in the real estate industry has been remarkable, and his latest venture, Project SQRL, is poised to revolutionize the convenience store industry while reducing America’s carbon footprint.

Blake’s entrepreneurial journey began with leasing and purchasing mineral rights in Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. He then founded Rock Capital Group, a company specializing in oil and gas investments and commercial real estate development, which has deployed and managed over $100 million since its inception. However, the success of Blake’s real estate and energy sector didn’t stop there. He founded Standard Development Company, which develops net-leased convenience stores across the US.

Blake continued his entrepreneurial journey as a serial entrepreneur by founding Z Banq, a company that leverages blockchain technology to create a new form of capital. In 2021, he created Standard Energy, which soon became a leading oil and gas mineral brokerage firm.

Blake’s most exciting venture is Project SQRL. This company is rebuilding America’s convenience store industry while simultaneously reducing its carbon footprint. The goal is to have SQRL stations in every city in every state, making it a household name.

Project SQRL is revolutionizing the convenience store industry through laser-precision-tactical service models. These stations will be full-service at the pump and inside, offering proprietary and locally sourced products.

SQRL’s focus on sustainability and environmentally friendly building materials sets it apart. The use of solar panels will provide a sustainable way to power the location and provide excess energy to the community. SQRL stations will have no inappropriate material on their shelves, making them family-friendly. They will also offer locally-grown products and proprietarily sourced items, making them unique.

SQRL’s commitment to providing top-notch service and security is evident in their stations. In addition, the brand’s sense of humor is sprinkled throughout, with “nuts” being the currency for collecting points and “busting your nuts” being the phrase for “cashing them in”.

Blake’s goal is to one day reach the level of ingenuity achieved by Elon Musk. He’s reinventing something as basic as the gas station and convenience store industry, taking old run-down gas stations and turning them into thriving businesses that care about their employees, guests, and the environment. “We simply endeavor to give more than we take in every situation we encounter in both business and life (51/49),” says Blake.

Blake’s story shows perseverance, innovation, and an entrepreneurial mindset can lead to tremendous success. His commitment to reducing America’s carbon footprint while providing exceptional service and products is commendable. Project SQRL is an exciting venture that is sure to make a significant impact on the convenience store industry and the environment.

Blake Smith’s story is an inspiring one. He’s a serial entrepreneur who has built multiple successful companies and is now revolutionising an entire industry with Project SQRL. It’s safe to say that Blake is a force to be reckoned with, and we can’t wait to see what he does next.

This article is a paid partnership with Blake Smith.

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