Barack Obama’s leadership lessons for Australia


Former Foreign Minister and Deputy Liberal Leader, Julie Bishop, will lead a conversation with former US President Barack Obama in Sydney and Melbourne later this month.
Former US President Barack Obama addresses an audience at the University of Queensland in 2014 for the annual G20 Summit | Image source: Glenn Hunt/Getty Images

Former US President Barack Obama will travel to Sydney and Melbourne later this month to discuss the topic of “strength in leadership”, offering insights into his time as Commander in Chief and the lessons he learned that can be applied to challenges in leadership today.

“An evening with President Barack Obama” – a Growth Faculty event – will be MC’d by Julie Bishop, who worked previously with President Obama during her time as Australia’s Foreign Minister and Deputy Liberal party leader. 

Global challenges and “navigating an unpredictable future” will be on the agenda to discuss at the event, held in Sydney on March 28 and Melbourne on March 29.

Bishop says that in her experience, the best leaders are those who lead with “empathy and an ability to master the detail of opportunities and challenges”. Obama was known for possessing these leadership qualities.

Former Foreign Minister Julie Bishop at the 2017 Lowy Lecture | Source: supplied

“President Obama faced a number of complex challenges, including the rise of China, ISIL taking territory in Syria and Iraq, the Syrian civil war, the 2008/09 global financial crisis and much more,” Bishop says.

“He sought closer economic relationships with key nations of the Indo-Pacific through enhanced trade. President Obama’s insights into current world events will be invaluable.” 

Watch some of President Obama’s best speeches here | Source: CNN/YouTube

In his term, Obama made history for forging a stronger economy, a more equal society, and creating a more respected reputation for the US internationally. 
“There’s no leader better equipped to share their experience, unique strategy and wisdom than President Obama. Ms Bishop’s own experiences and current roles will provide a not-to-be-missed glimpse into the mindset of authentic leadership,” Growth Faculty founder and CEO Karen Beattie says. 
For more information and tickets visit The Growth Faculty

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