Cambridge Homeschool Online represents the future of independent schooling in the digital age

The King’s College, Eton, and Winchester are notable names among the British public, but their popularity is dwindling. Even within the most wealthy circles, many parents feel that private school in the United Kingdom is unsatisfactory.

These elite schools were once the prime location to educate a child and allow them unfettered opportunities in life. However, in the modern world, the £30,000 or more annual fees aren’t providing children what they used to. Parents often feel that the stigma of sending their children to private schools is demonising and the results are underwhelming. Class sizes are average, but their children are often not happy and aren’t receiving personalised support worth the price tag. At the same time homeschooling in the UK has risen by 40% since 2018.

Additionally, the historic buildings many of these children study in are responsible for such high enrollment fees. Heating, cooling, and maintaining property grounds is costly. In 2014, Eton College reportedly spent £16M on premise upkeep. These private schools are highly sought after by developers, causing many institutions to sell out. In 2021, many private schools closed due to an unprecedented financial crisis spurred by COVID. Because of that, 17 schools had to sell to Chinese investment firms and abandon long-standing British ownership.

Dr. Troy Page, the founder of Cambridge Homeschool Online (CHS), the most established selective online school, has heard these concerns firsthand. Parents at his school expressed their disdain for paying a fortune for poor grades and unhappy children at private schools in Britain. The majority were desperately searching for a school where their children could thrive and where the school fees were spent on education rather than maintaining draughty old buildings. At CHS, they found highly qualified teachers, small class sizes, and an excellent supportive and fun community for their children. Without the burden of old buildings to maintain school fees are a third of comparable conventional schools.

Pupils enjoy the flexibility online school offers them. They love being able to learn wherever they choose and having an international set of peers. Parents report individualised care from attentive teachers certified in online instruction. They also find that CHS’ wide variety of subjects allows their children to choose topics they’re interested in. Compared with conventional private schools, students at CHS are much more engaged as there are far fewer unwanted distractions.

Naturally, many families with children at CHS have varying lifestyles. Some of which involve frequent travel or international moves. At Cambridge Homeschool Online, these families can include their children in their travels without interrupting their education. Families who aren’t British nationals also enjoy exclusive access to world-class education without relocating their families.

Cambridge Homeschool Online utilises a pupil-centred approach to maximise student satisfaction and performance. Dr. Troy Page decided to design his school this way because of his many years of experience teaching in British state schools. Throughout his career, he encountered hundreds of students who weren’t receiving the resources or environment they needed to excel. Dr. Page has emphasised the importance of grouping children by ability rather than age and rewarding them for engaging in activities both inside and outside of the classroom. Every child learns differently and should receive an education that celebrates their unique qualities.

Cambridge Homeschool Online offers students a chance to study without conventional limits. They can socialise, cultivate knowledge, and learn about the world without the same distractions other schools have. Remote learning is enjoyable for entire families, not only students. Parents can travel and spend quality time with their children much more than before without missing a day of school.

Having been founded in 2002, Dr. Page formulated a proprietary formula for teaching children online before it became the norm. By pairing highly qualified instructors with children eager to learn, CHS is an avenue for success. Pupils and parents at Cambridge Homeschool Online want something alternative to what they’ve already tried, especially since COVID illustrated how uncertain life can be.

“People are breaking the mould of traditional education because they now know things can be different. Parents experienced the joy of having their children at home and seeing them excel with online learning. So now that COVID has shown them that tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, they want to embrace every minute. Cambridge Homeschool Online has become the bridge allowing parents and students to get the best bits of independent schooling. The flexibility CHS gives allows families and children to have happy adventurous lives, reliable structure, stability, higher grades and a better learning experience than other schools in the UK,” says Dr. Page.

For many families independent online schooling has become the unexpected solution to the collapse of private schools. Covid has changed the worlds of work, shopping, socialising, finding a life partner and the education sector is not immune. Independent schools like Cambridge Homeschool Online are the new normal for many families embracing this change. 

For schools who have relied for too long on their historic buildings to attract students the future is less certain as more and more families choose the higher grades, better prospects, closer family life and flexibility to travel that online independent schools like Cambridge Homeschool offer.

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