Good customer service is never good enough


If your existing clients aren’t raving about you to anyone willing to listen, the biggest social media following in the world isn’t coming to save you.
smiling waitress serves coffee in cafe
If your existing clients aren’t raving about you to anyone willing to listen, the biggest social media following in the world isn’t coming to save you. 

Being your ‘authentic self’ in a world where authenticity is rapidly on the decline, (did you create your Metaverse avatar yet?) suddenly seems futile. If you’re in business there’s a million just like you and its survival of the savviest as to who’ll ‘be seen’.

We look to Instagram for sales and feel despair when they don’t come. We blame scrappy images, being born of the wrong generation and, an unwillingness to ‘show our face’ because remember; ‘humanising your brand’. 

It’s easier to hold accountable an age of social media and an overpopulated marketplace than to take a look in the mirror and realise, the problem is you.

You could long for a time when a highly sort after and overpriced, front of Yellow Pages ad; held the key. Perhaps in 2023, it’ll be an economic downturn where you’ll pass the buck, and on some level, that will be warranted.

Too much emphasis has been placed on our digital presence, and no one should argue your business needs it, but basic principles and good manners have been grossly overlooked, bypassed even, and the common cause of death to small businesses. 

So maybe it’s time to quit blaming the ‘gram’ and get back to simplicity? I’ll hazard a guess navigating the art of a seamless reel transition has taken priority over your time to say; “thanks for coming”. 

Good is no longer ‘good enough’ (although was it ever?) when it comes to customer service. It’s really that simple. And yes we know you’re short-staffed, oh we know! Regardless, you better believe the tone of your clients’ experience begins and ends with you.

Make no mistake your clients are gold, your greatest asset. It’s time to show up to be exceptional or step aside for those willing to go the extra mile. 

If your existing clients aren’t raving about you to anyone willing to listen, the biggest social media following in the world isn’t coming to save you. 

The customer journey has never mattered more and it’s not complicated. The smallest of details determine the fine line where you dance between mediocracy and success. Attention to detail and a smile on the face; it’s not that hard. 

It’s easy to care and a thank you is always free. 

Avatar of Elsa Mitchell