Defamation busters: the entrepreneurs taking on the digital Wild West


In an era where online reputations can be tarnished with a single click, two Australian entrepreneurs, Ed Butcher and Ed Godfrey, provide SMEs with a simple solution to protect their digital reputation from malicious attacks through RepSpert.
Ed Butcher and Ed Godfrey, Repspert Directors

RepSpert’s low profile might seem either a deliberate strategy or an oversight for a company that specialises in online reputation management. With flawless client satisfaction and a rapidly expanding clientele of over 2,000 clients served, they have either perfected their craft or are simply exceptional at what they do. As co-founder Butcher puts it, “We’re here to level the playing field, ensuring businesses can protect their brands against trolls, jealous competitors, and malicious self-verified content.” 

RepSpert’s journey began amid the constraints of the COVID-19 hotel quarantine in Darwin, where Butcher, a young entrepreneur, and Godfrey, an RMIT dropout, met on their way leaving Victoria. During their 14 days of enforced solitude, they brainstormed a solution to a shared frustration: the devastating impact of malicious online attacks. 

“In 2018, I found the furniture business I was running at the time under siege by several one-star reviews from people I had never done business with,” Butcher recalls. 

The frustration of finding no reliable, results-driven service led him to team up with Godfrey and create RepSpert, a company built on the premise that clients should only pay for results. 

“We are selective in the companies we work with, only assisting those whose reputation has been unfairly targeted. Our fee is purely based on outcome, with no upfront costs. Our affordable fees range depending on a variety of factors.” 

This pay-only-when-you-get-results model has facilitated RepSpert’s rapid expansion. Launching four years ago and entering international markets just two years after that, the business is on track to hit eight figures this year. In-house policy specialists are experts at navigating the murky waters of online platforms and legal jurisdictions, working tirelessly to remove harmful content – often within 14 days.  

The proof of their success? So far, they have removed over 50,000 fake reviews. 

RepSpert’s clientele spans industries particularly vulnerable to online attacks, such as real estate, legal professionals, and the medical field. In these sectors, a tarnished reputation can lead to lost clients, legal troubles, and, in some cases, the end of a career or business operations.  

Research from Fakespot indicates that 30% of business reviews on Google are fake, highlighting the urgency of RepSpert’s mission. The impact of such attacks is devastating, especially for small businesses that often lack the resources to fight back. 

“If a fake profile does it, it’s very hard to identify the source,” the founders say.  

“The big tech platforms, such as Google, hosting the content will not review your complaint if you put forward a contextual argument based on customer experience or interaction. And due to large volumes of requests to remove unwanted content, platforms only consider requests that dispute content over context.” 

The growing threat of unverified reviews

The problem RepSpert is tackling isn’t just about reputation; it’s about justice. Platforms operate largely unregulated and have no verification process. This lack of oversight creates a breeding ground for abuse, where anyone with a grudge — or a financial motive — can launch a smear campaign with minimal effort. “We’ve seen cases where legal professionals are targeted online by the losing side of a court case, or businesses blackmailed into paying to stop the attacks,” Godfrey explains. 

For small businesses, the consequences of such campaigns can be dire. They rely heavily on positive reviews to drive business and appear in search engine rankings – negative reviews can stop growth. Many small business owners lack the expertise or bandwidth to deal with these issues effectively, making them easy targets for online bullies – like paid review farms used to generate fake engagement and reviews or spread misinformation. 

RepSpert’s mission is to empower businesses facing devastating online attacks, giving them the tools and support they need to fight back.

“We’re not just removing content; we’re giving small businesses a solution to a widespread issue so that they don’t have to accept defamation”

Ed Butcher and Ed Godfrey

While only 5% of its client base is in Australia, where regulators are doing a better job of protecting consumers, the majority of RepSpert’s customers are based in North America. As it continues to expand into the US market, however, the founders are not driven by typical start-up ambitions for rapid growth at all costs. Instead, its focus remains on delivering client results and restoring balance in the face of unfair online attacks. 

“We take on each case to deliver results that our clients value, which can be worth up to $100,000, based on their competitive analysis.” 

For now, despite making it to the Australian Financial Review’s Fast Starters List last year, RepSpert remains a relatively unknown name in the wider world, but for the 2,000-plus clients they’ve already helped.  

As the internet’s vast, unregulated landscape becomes more treacherous and the two-speed economy runs ahead of human ability to adapt, businesses will continue to need companies like RepSpert to stand guard over their encounters with fake reviews, defamation and malicious attacks. 

“Right now, we want to work with bright minds in the space [to deal with the rise of AI and new online threats],” says Butcher. 

What to do if you’re facing a negative campaign online?

“To safeguard your online reputation, it’s crucial to be proactive,” advise RepSpert founders Ed Butcher and Ed Godfrey. “Regularly encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Self-verification is key – your customers should be identified as legitimate before their feedback is published. While regulatory bodies are making progress in ensuring both businesses and consumers  are fairly heard, the best defence is a strong offence when managing your digital presence.” 

Stay calm and assess the situation

It’s crucial not to panic. Take a step back and evaluate the nature and extent of the negative content. Are they a few isolated comments or part of a coordinated attack? RepSpert advises clients to let the smear campaign play out before acting. 

Engage with a trusted reputation management service

Attempting to tackle a smear campaign alone can be overwhelming. Services like RepSpert can provide expert help, ensuring that you respond effectively and get the content removed in as little as 14 days. RepSpert combines proprietary technology with extensive knowledge of internet law and platform policies to help remove negative reviews and defamatory content. Its “No Removal, No Fee” guarantee ensures clients only pay if content has been removed. 

Proactively build your positive reputation

While dealing with the negative content, also focus on generating positive reviews from customers. This can mitigate the impact of negative content. 

Getting smeared in real-time

RepSpert has encountered many issues; from client review farms used to run campaigns against business competitors to overzealous litigation practices resulting in character assassination. 

The real estate professional

A top real estate agency found itself the target of a coordinated attack after a contentious sale. Multiple fake reviews appeared overnight, damaging it’s reputation and costing it clients. 

The lawyer under fire

After winning a difficult case, a lawyer was targeted by the losing party’s supporters, who flooded their online profiles with negative reviews. 

The medical professional

A well-respected doctor faced a smear campaign after refusing to prescribe a controlled substance. The disgruntled patient created multiple accounts to leave scathing reviews across various platforms. 

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