The Importance of Networking in Online Education

Online education has increased in popularity over the years with more and more people opting to learn in a virtual setting. According to Statista, the online education sector is expected to reach $4.41 billion in Australia alone in 2024.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics also stated that one in every two people are conducting their work related training via online methods. Not only does it offer flexibility, but it also promotes the ability for people to reach their academic goals without being restricted. This article will discuss the importance of networking in online education settings and why it matters.

Why Networking Matters in Online Education

When completing online degrees such as an MBA online or those similar, it’s important to have a good network of people around you while you work through your course load. Networking helps in many ways, including the following:

  • Developing professional relationships: Connecting instructors and peers allows students the ability to establish a professional network which can be important when it comes to post graduation success.
  • Accessing new opportunities: Networking has the ability to open new opportunities for students. They may hear about job openings, internships, or industry conferences via their network of peers which they may not have heard about otherwise.
  • Enhances student learning: Interactions between instructors and their peers helps to expand a student’s understanding of complex concepts, material, and introduces new perspectives.
  • Access to a support system: Having a network of peers, students can build a support system around themselves which can make online learning less isolating. These relationships can help provide moral support through challenging tests and exams.
How to Network Effectively in an Online Education Environment

A virtual setting has the ability to build and maintain meaningful relationships which lasts for years. Some actionable tips on how to effectively network in an online environment include:

Actively Participate in Online Discussions

Online discussions like forums, chat groups, discussion boards and related social media platforms have the ability to allow students to participate and talk to one another. Some ways to actively participate in the online discussions could be:

  • Offer insights into a subject others are also interested in
  • Share your own experiences as it may help others
  • Ask questions which you don’t know the answer to, to engage others in the group
  • Respond to at least three of your classmates’ posts with thoughtful comments or questions in each discussion board thread

Actively participating in online discussions is a great way to really improve your online network.

Reach Out to Instructors Outside of Class

Connecting virtually with instructors is a great networking resource. Establishing a professional relationship with them could help you in the long run to get personalized guidance and feedback. Some tips when reaching out to instructors include:

  • Schedule a one-on-one virtual meeting with your instructor at least once a semester to discuss the course material or seek advice on career-related topics.
  • Ask for feedback on your current work and where you can improve for better success when graduation comes.
  • Be professional and courteous, remember they do have a life outside of teaching, so make sure if you contact them outside of working hours, it’s within a reasonable timeframe and not late at night.

Most instructors would be happy to help if you reached out from time to time. Try to avoid daily sessions as this may come across as pushy.

Join Study Groups

Online study groups are a great way for students to get to know one another virtually, and to help each other while studying. Some tips when you’re joining a study group include:

  • Find groups that use platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet to set up weekly virtual study sessions. Aim to connect with peers who have different strengths to diversify your learning experience.
  • In the group see if you can share resources, review material and discuss concepts with others in the group.
  • Make sure to give others a chance to speak even if your opinion may be different to theirs.

Study groups are not only great when you’re trying to pass a test, but they’re also great for making new friends along the way.

Leverage Social Media and Professional Networks

Online learners can also be found on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin. On these platforms, you should be able to find student groups who are studying the same as what you’re studying. Joining these groups can help connect you with other classmates and students where you can make new friends and gain more valuable insight into the topic you’re studying. To make connections:

  • Comment on other people’s posts when you can provide something useful.
  • Ask questions if you’re not sure about something and see who responds.
  • Create a discussion post and see if you can get other people engaged with the subject you’re talking about.

Social media is a powerful tool to leverage when networking in the online education area.

Participate in Virtual Networking Events

There’s a few different education programs which hold virtual networking events, webinars, and workshops. By attending and participating in these events you can get to know more students, learn from experts in their field, and also interact with the guest speaker. Try to attend at least two virtual networking events each semester. Don’t forget to follow up with attendees afterward via email or LinkedIn to maintain contact.

Overcoming Challenges in Virtual Networking

While virtual networking has its benefits, there’s also some challenges you may need to overcome. Some of the most common issues of virtual networking include, but isn’t limited to:

  • Differences in time zones: Many online students study from countries right around the world so it’s always good to find groups that cross over with your time zone. International students are great to connect with because they may have a different way of thinking about a certain subject.
  • A lack of physical interaction: This can cause some issues with visual cues for students. Make sure to make use of video conferencing platforms to help overcome this.
  • Miscommunication: In order to overcome this it’s good to practice professional and clear communication. Make sure you proofread any messages you’ll send, and use each chat as a learning tool.

Networking is an important part of online education and it shouldn’t be understated. By taking the time to connect with instructors, peers and other professionals in the industry, a student has the ability to learn a lot and build long term relationships which can help them throughout their years of studying.

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