Down and Dirty with Benji Kushwaha of White Spot Group

Whoever said that cleanliness is a habit, not a chore, was obviously speaking about the fact that with repetition even the most unpleasant of tasks can become rewarding. However, when it comes to cleaning business premises there are some downsides to making a habit of grabbing that Hoover.

The most important of these downsides is that cleaning a commercial space requires time and resources. Aside from the investment in buckets, mops and cleaning supplies, doing the job right requires time investment. And time is an asset that cannot be replaced. Once it’s gone it’s gone. There can be little argument that cleaning ability probably didn’t come up when you were interviewing potential staff. Employees shouldn’t be wiping down surfaces, they have other things that they should be doing to add value to an organization.

So, business owners are left with a choice, they can ignore the whole ‘keeping the office clean’ ideal and hope for the best, or they can outsource cleaning to professionals.

The Dirty Truth About Commercial Cleaning

Ignoring the cleaning challenge is a remarkably bad idea for a variety of reasons. According to a study by the Staples Corporation in the U.S., 94% of workers reported feeling more productive in a clean workspace, and 77% noted that they produced higher-quality work in a cleaner environment. So a clean workplace is a more productive workspace.

A great-looking, neat and hygienic office also enhances brand reputation by creating positive first impressions and improving employee morale. A spotless office also makes sense from a customer relationship point of view. Clients and partners visiting a well-maintained environment are more likely to trust and engage with an organization.

The challenge for business owners is to find an office cleaning service provider who shares their focus on providing an exceptional return on investment to clients and customers.

The Genesis of White Spot Group

The question of how to provide value to business owners who want their property to shine preoccupies Benji Kushwaha, Founder and CEO of the White Spot Group.

The company, founded in 2014, is focused on providing bespoke cleaning services across a broad range of businesses, from small organizations to large-scale commercial and warehousing operations.

Like most success stories, Benji Kushwaha’s journey begins with a challenge. Arriving in Australia with a student visa, a dress suit and AUS $1,000 in his pocket, Benji was faced with the costs associated with student life, tuition, transport and putting food on the table. The desire to escape the limitations of a humble upbringing (and a zero bank balance) saw him graduate  with a Bachelor’s in Professional Accounting  and a burning desire to immerse himself in the world of entrepreneurship.

After spending time at some of Australia’s leading commercial cleaning firms immersing himself in operations management, Kushwaha saw that it was an industry ripe for disruption, and starting a cleaning business seemed a logical progression of his career path.

Kushwaha has a formula for success that has seen White Spot Group become a force to be reckoned with. It was a simple formula, emphasizing exceptional levels of service and a commitment to the highest levels of customer service.

Spot the Difference

According to Kushwaha the key to the success of White Spot Group has been a commitment to communication and providing a service that meets the unique demands of his clients.

“I’ve always had an entrepreneurial mindset, and for me, it’s a mindset that has you constantly examining the inefficiencies in any business model.

“What I saw originally was a business sector that seemed to be remarkably inefficient and more than happy to keep doing things the same way, year in and year out. It became clear over the years that a company that broke the mould as far as customer service levels are concerned could dominate the market.” 

Kushwaha believes that class-leading customer service means hiring the right people and empowering them to exceed customer expectations.

“When you start treating the status quo as normal then you’re going to lose sight of the fact that there are better ways of doing things. My staff know that they are part of a company that isn’t happy to just take the easy road, as a team we’ve all shed blood, sweat and tears to go the extra mile for our clients.”

Kushwaha brings an entrepreneurial mindset and laser-like focus to his business. He believes strongly in innovation and the power of strategic partnerships, as well as his well-established commitment to go the extra mile for his clients.

“If you put in the hours, train and reward the right staff and find industry partners who share your commitment to success, then you’ve ticked some of the most important boxes on the road to success. You’re also going to build a brand that is respected and a company that has a reputation for delivering best-in-class service, that’s the White Spot Group USP.”

The White Spot Group has built a sterling reputation for innovation and customer service – and its approach has paid off handsomely.

Today, it serves thousands of clients year on year across Australia, specializing in commercial, retail, strata, and industrial cleaning. Its diverse clientele includes medical centres, childcare facilities, construction sites, office buildings, corporate office, commercial complexes, warehouses, commercial real estate firms, hospitality venues, educational institutions, government agencies, aged care facilities, and event management partners and many more.,

That client list is a testament to Kushwaha’s vision; to provide customized cleaning solutions tailored to each customer’s unique needs and site specifications, no matter where in Australia they operate. It’s a vision that has been built on Kushwaha’s passion for entrepreneurship and commitment to offering a service that contributes to the well-being of client operations.

Large or small commercial property owners who are in search of a strategic partner who will move mountains to ensure that their office or warehousing space provides an environment that motivates staff, increases employee morale, optimizes productivity, and truly represents the values of their brand may want to explore Benji Kushwaha’s value proposition.

Learn more at the White Spot Group or Benji’s LinkedIn page.

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